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Frog Prince I

Frog Prince I is molded in stoneware clay with a variety on clays, glazed in light tones served with lucious turquoise tones, height 45cm / width 60cm


Frog Prince I

Each frog a challenge to translate the beauty of this amphibian with clay, whilst loaning this tiny creature his grandeur in the scheme of life.

Frog Prince I

Frog Future

Amphibians, the oldest group of land vertebrates, are regarded as the most threatened across the globe. From Brazil’s tropical rain forests, to Canada’s temperate boreal forests, from fresh streams in the Alps to Australia’s temporary ponds, most populations are declining. Contributing factors include habitat destruction, invasive species, disease spread and rapid climate change. Most are human induced.

Frog Prince I

TEL: 00351 96 8362930

Bongard Gallery and Sculpture Garden                               

Sitio do Pomar Velho,

Monchique 8550 - 340.  PORTUGAL

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